Before you get into online marketing, familiarize yourself with these online marketing terms for beginners. Understanding these terms will help you monitor and understand your stats to grow and adjust your online presence.

Traffic – Visitors view your website or ad and can be referred to as paid traffic or organic traffic.
Visitors – These are the people that actually come to your site.
Clicks – something has been clicked on, like a link in an ad
PPC-Pay Per Click – Is an online advertising model in which an advertiser pays a publisher every time an advertisement link is “clicked” on
CPC- Cost Per Click – Cost of a keyword or phrase when advertising.

Conversion Rate – calculated by the number of visitors divided by the number of qualified actions.
CTA – Call to Action – when you ask the visitor to engage with you, fill out a form, schedule an appointment, take a quiz, or, most importantly, make a purchase.
CTR – Click Through Rate – this is calculated by the number of clicks you get divided by the number of times your post or advertisement is seen.
EPC – Earnings Per Click – How much money you made per click. Example – 100 Clicks divided by $250 earned = $2.5 per click.

Geo-Targeting – This is used to advertise to a physical location.
Spam – Unsolicited emails this is a good way to get your domain blacklisted. I would strongly recommend not doing this.
SEO – Search Engine Optimization – This is when you make your website or sales page easily readable by search engines to help you get more unpaid traffic.
CRO – Conversion Rate Optimizations – This applies to your content when you, Plan, Design, Test, Market, Analyze, Talk (Talk includes communication with customers, surveys, polls, emails, and phone calls.)
A/B Testing – Testing 2 different elements, could be a video, headline, email, or an entire web page.

Visitor Value – This is the average return for sending a visitor to the sales page. Calculated by visitors divided by total sales.
CLV – Customer Lifetime Value –The total amount a customer spends over time. This is important in forecasting revenue from subscription and membership programs. You can calculate CLV by taking your average order value, multiplying by your average customer’s purchase frequency, then dividing that number by your average customer lifespan. *ALSO KNOWN AS “CLTV”
CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost – How much money in ad spend or commissions does it cost to gain a customer.
Commission Rate – Percent paid to a sales rep or affiliate for each sale
Grav or Pulse Score – Affiliate Marketing Term Approximate indication of how many affiliates have successfully promoted a product and a sign of how well it converts. The higher the number, the better.
Initial $ Sale – Average dollar amount you would receive from each initial sale.
Avg % Sales – Average Initial percent commission for sales you earn from each sale
Avg Re-Bill Total – Average dollar amount you would receive in recurring payments after the initial sales.
Avg % Re-bill – Re-bill percent commission for recurring payments. How much do you receive each month as long as that customer remains a member and pays their subscription?
Avg $ Sales – Average dollar amount you would receive from both the initial sale and the re-bill sales.
Refund Rate – Percentage of customers that have requested a refund after purchase. (the lower, the better)
When you learn these terms it will help you understand how to analyze your content and market it better. Check out the free tools that Google offers like Analytics, Search Console, and Tag Manager. We will be creating some tutorials for these tools soon.
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